Thursday, September 20, 2018

Xcel does an end run on the legislature — with an assist from Colorado's PUC

Xcel does an end run on the legislature — with an assist from Colorado's PUC 

Xcel does an end run on the legislature — with an assist from Colorado’s PUC

Author: Ray Scott - September 20, 2018

When the Colorado Public Utilities Commission recently approved Xcel
Energy’s Colorado Energy Plan, the commissioners made a highly
politicized decision that ignored economic reality, bypassed the state
legislature and allowed the company to break its promise to save
customers money. Coloradans should be troubled not just by the plan
itself, but by how it won approval through an end-run of the democratic

In August 2017, Xcel unveiled the Colorado Energy Plan, (or CEP) to
great fanfare. The plan’s cheerleaders, including Gov. John Hickenlooper
and state agencies, celebrated the monopoly utility’s proposal to spend
$2.5 billion on fuel switching and its promise simultaneously to save
customers money. A project so massive would need legislative approval in
order to proceed, like the much less ambitious Clean Air, Clean Jobs
Act of 2010.

Earlier in 2017, Xcel Colorado’s then-vice president (now CEO) Alice
Jackson confirmed in public testimony to the Public Utilities Commission
(or PUC) that the Colorado legislature is the most appropriate entity
to approve prematurely shutting-down two coal-fired power plants and
replacing them with wind and solar. “If we are going to fundamentally
restructure the way that we do resource planning in Colorado… then that
is a question for the General Assembly and not for Mr. Monsen, CIEA, or
the company,” Jackson said at the time.

She was right about that. Because Xcel is a monopoly utility — whose
customers must shoulder the cost of any capital investments, and an
individual customer’s ability to actively intervene at the Public
Utilities Commission is severely limited — it only makes sense that
Colorado customers weigh-in via their state legislators.

During the 2017 legislative session, Xcel took the democratic route,
by deploying an army of lobbyists to the General Assembly in the hope of
passing a plan very similar to CEP. It failed in the Senate, however,
because it made zero economic sense to force Coloradans to pay to shut
down our most affordable and dependable power plants, in favor of
unreliable wind turbines and solar panels that can increase electricity
costs while decreasing dependability.

After the session, Xcel changed its tune, claiming a Hickenlooper
executive order was all it needed to seek regulatory approval of the
massive fuel-switching scheme. My colleague, President Pro-Tem Jerry
Sonnenberg (R-Sterling), appropriately accused Xcel of pulling “a bit of
a fast one by going to the Public Utilities Commission for something it
couldn’t get passed through the Legislature.”

A press release announcing the company’s change of tack not only
touted the “broad” coalition that supports the plan, and the $2.5
billion in “clean energy” investments it could bring to rural Colorado.
It also made the rather astounding claim that all this could be done at
“no additional cost to the company’s electricity customers.”

If that were true, the legislature surely would have approved the
measure in 2017. But Xcel is employing creative accounting to make the
CEP look affordable, which is why it didn’t pass the smell test with my
most business- and energy-savvy colleagues in 2017. Flaws in the
company’s analysis became apparent during CEP hearings, thanks to
diligent watchdog work by third parties and ratepayer advocates. But the
plan won approval despite those dubious underpinnings and the doubts of
some PUC members.

Before voting for a less radical iteration of the plan, for instance,
Commissioner Wendy Moser confirmed that customers will pay higher rates
to cover CEP’s cost, contradicting one of the company’s primary
rationales for making these moves.

Because the CEP would never have made it through the legislature,
Xcel tossed aside its Colorado president’s declaration that it must do
so, instead betting its future on the Hickenlooper-appointed PUC. And it
turned out to be a shrewd bet….until you see things from the energy
consumer’s point of view.

Xcel broke its pledge to pursue its aims democratically and an
unelected Public Utilities Commission let the for-profit monopoly get
away with it. Instead of deciding based on economics and the public
good, Commissioners made a political decision and set the stage for an
economic boondoggle that should infuriate Coloradans.

Xcel is sticking it to its 1.4 million captive Colorado customers,
who will have to pay millions of dollars more, while its Minnesota
executives and Wall Street shareholders laugh their way to the bank.

Colorado lawmakers from both parties have worked together for years
to find and implement long-term solutions to the state’s energy issues.
But by forcing the Colorado Energy Plan through the Public Utilities
Commission, Xcel prevented us from even having the option to advocate on
behalf of the public good. Shame on Xcel and the commission.